For our 25th EMI Lecture, we return to BMA House in London to recognise Professor Betül Kaçar, an outstanding researcher in the field of environmental microbiology in partnership with our partners Wiley, who publish our journal Environmental Microbiology.
Betül Kaçar is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Bacteriology and pioneered the field of molecular paleobiology. She investigates the origins and coevolution of cellular life and environment in lifeforms extinct and extant, using experimental and computational systems.
Each year, the Environmental Microbiology lecture is given by distinguished active scientists who are making seminal contributions to microbiology and the understanding of microbiological processes. You can view previously available EMI lectures by clicking here.
Betül will present the lecture Planetary microbiology: From cells to ecosystems across space and time
Furthermore, at the event we will also be awarding the 2023 AMI Honorary Fellowship to Professor Jim Prosser for his outstanding and exemplary contributions to the field of applied microbiology. Professor Prosser's dedication to advancing the understanding of microbial processes and their role in various ecosystems has been nothing short of commendable.
This event will be hosted on 16 November 2023 at BMA House in London, UK. The evening starts promptly at 18:30 with drinks and canapes, followed by the Fellowship award, EMI lecture and a question and answer session.
Membership status | Ticket price |
Member | FREE |
Non-member | £50 |
Guest of member | £25 |