The Early Career Scientist Research Symposium is the ideal place to give your first presentation, be it a poster presentation or a talk. Click the button below to access the submission form - you will hear from us once all abstracts have been submitted about whether your application has been successful or not.

Poster sizes should be size A1 and in portrait format (velcro and/or pins will be provided on the day)

The closing date for abstract submissions for attendees traveling from abroad, or facing potential funding challenges, or those intending to apply for an AMI Student Travel Bursary is 12 April 2025. Abstract submissions that do not require additional funding from AMI can be submitted up to 1 May 2025.

Abstracts submitted by April 12 will receive notifications by April 15. Submissions made by May 1 will be notified by May 15, 2025. Please note, our goal is to notify all submissions within 2-6 weeks from the date of submission throughout the abstract submission open period.