Registration Closed
The 29th Molecular Microbial Ecology Group meeting (MMEG) is a 2-day event held at Queen Mary University of London. This inclusive meeting is for early career researchers (ECRs; mainly PhD students and early post-docs) to present their work in a friendly and supportive environment. The meeting also provides an ideal opportunity for building networks, gaining valuable insights, and for having debates and discussions with other microbial ecology researchers - crucial for scientific career development.
Topics range from fundamental to applied research in microbial ecology, including terrestrial and marine ecosystems, metabolic pathways, biogeochemical cycling, biodegradation, biotechnology, and human microbiome, among others.
Except for a single plenary lecture on each day, all the talks will be given by ECRs. A conference dinner will be held on the Monday evening to provide further opportunity for networking and discussion.
Poster Presentations
Poster boards are 6ft x 3ft and fit up to A1 posters If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you there!