Sustainable Microbiology Novel Research Grant

For members driving research that leads to significant scientific breakthroughs and supports global sustainability

The Sustainable Microbiology Novel Research Grant aims to foster transformative advancements in applied microbiology through pilot projects, methodological advancements, and innovation development. This fund aims to catalyse research leading to significant scientific breakthroughs, with a commitment to global sustainability. By supporting AMI members to carry out new novel research or pilot projects. The fund contributes to global health, environmental sustainability, and scientific innovation in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

  • Applicants must be current members of AMI with at least 13 months of continuous AMI membership.
  • Applications must demonstrate a strong focus on innovative and impactful research projects are preferred.
  • Financial need is a consideration, but the merit of the novel research project is paramount.
  • Preference given to applicants demonstrating most financial need and innovative project proposals. 
Grant Details and Financial Support:
  • Grant Amount: Up to £10,000 per applicant.
  • Examples of eligible expenses: 
    • Expenses for purchasing or renting specialised equipment necessary for the research.
    • Costs for laboratory consumables, chemicals, reagents, and other materials essential for conducting experiments.
    • While we aim to support diverse aspects of your research project, expenses are unlikely to include personal remuneration such as salaries or stipends.
  • Project Focus: Pilot studies, proof of principle studies, innovative applied microbiology research aligned with the UNSDGs. Not for existing projects.
Application Requirements:
  • A completed application form.
  • A detailed description of the research project, emphasising its scientific merit, impact and relevance to the field of applied microbiology and the UNSDGs.
  • A detailed budget outlining the item costs (and supplier where relevant) for which funding is sought.
  • A brief statement (max 300 words) explaining what makes the project novel, and how the project contributes to the academic and professional trajectory of those involved.
Selection Criteria:
  • Relevance of the project to the field of applied microbiology and the UNSDGs.
  • Demonstrated financial need.
  • Potential impact on the applicant’s academic and professional development.
  • The innovative nature and potential for significant breakthroughs in the proposed research.
Post-Project Requirements:
  • Recipients are required to either submit an article appropriate for publication in The Microbiologist magazine about their project (maximum 1,000 words) or present their research findings in a relevant AMI seminar or workshop.
  • Recipients are required to submit their claim form and legitimate receipts within six weeks of the end of the project
Application Process:
  • Applications must be submitted at least six weeks before the project start date.
  • Applications will be reviewed by a panel after deadline of 1 April 2025.
  • Decisions will be communicated within four weeks of the deadline.

Evaluation Criteria

Maximise your chances of a successful grant application by reading the full evaluation criteria used by the panel

Read the criteria

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